Company Mission

Company's Safety, Environmental and Quality policy
OTTAVIO NOVELLA S.p.A. (hereinafter called the “Company”) is the operator entrusted by the Owner with the management of his ship and crew.
In this role, the Company was assigned by the Owner the task to draw up the SMS (Safety Management System) manual, also by preparing adequate risk assessments, as required by the ISM Code.
In implementing the SMS Manual, the Company brings about its policy in compliance with its "Mission", in order to reach following goals:
1) Safety) | Prevent losses of human lives and injuries to people by reaching the “zero incidents” target; the whole Company’s staff is therefore strongly encouraged to notify any potentially hazardous situations.
2) Environment protection | Prevent spillage at sea of harmful materials for the environment. Limit harmful releases as a consequence of the normal operation of the ship, by properly choosing systems and materials. OTTAVIO NOVELLA S.p.A. has the objective of zero incidents, zero oil spills, to keep within tolerable limits all emissions in the atmosphere / seawater and to limit the environmental impact also by selecting proper services and goods, to be achieved by the experience, professionalism and continuous improvement of its organisation. Make Company’s staff aware of the importance of carrying out even their daily activities with an eye at environment protection and sustainability.
3) Health and people protection | Adopt the highest industrial standards for people’s health protection, with special reference to the risk of contamination with carried and used products in the operation of the ship.
4) Security | Adopt the highest industrial standards for people’s health protection, with special reference to the risk of contamination with carried and used products in the operation of the ship.
5) Service quality | Assure a correct service to customers, aiming the widest satisfaction of the managed vessel’s users.
6) Company’s personnel management | The Company is aware of the key importance of human resources and is therefore committed in assuring an adequate professional level of its personnel, a good quality of life on board and respect for the different cultures both on board and ashore.
The Company is aware of the continuous improvement required in order to reach the aforesaid goals and it shall therefore adopt a pro-active attitude, as well as proceed with the analysis of all experiences.
The Company shall use its structure for the fulfilment of the aforesaid goals by employing proper resources and qualified personnel.
The Company shall inform all personnel of the duties assigned to each and everyone and expects the outmost commitment by anybody in reaching such goals.
As far as the operation of the ships is concerned, the Master has the authority on board to act and give any orders he deems to be necessary for the protection of human life and people’s health, environment protection and the safety of the ship and its operations, whether or not such orders are in compliance with procedures and instructions given by the Company.

Immediately notifying any non-conformity, incident
The Master is also responsible for immediately notifying any non-conformity, incident or near miss to the Company, which might represent a threat to people’s health, environment protection and the safety of the ship and its operations.
The Company decides that, should a conflict arise between economic and/or commercial reasons and the aforesaid goals, the Master shall give priority to the latter.
The Company’s policy is regularly revised, so to make sure that intended goals are achieved and procedures and instructions are efficient and adequate.
The DPA (Designated Person Ashore), the Heads of the departments, Masters and all personnel according to their competence shall check that the Company’s policy is duly followed and applied.